Certificate III Meat Processing (Slaughtering)

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Qualification Description

This qualification covers work activities undertaken by workers undertaking slaughtering duties in abattoirs.

Graduates from this qualification will have a wide range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply a specialised range of tools, materials and information to:


  • complete routine activities
  • provide and transmit solutions to predictable and sometimes unpredictable problems.

Graduates will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy and judgement and to take limited responsibility in known and stable contexts within established parameters.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Packaging Rules

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:

12* units of competency:


  • 7 core units plus
  • at least 5 elective units with a minimum value of 30points

Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification’s Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:

Core Units
AMPCOR201Maintain personal equipment                                                     
AMPCOR202Apply hygiene and sanitation practices
AMPCOR203Comply with Quality Assurance and HACCP requirements
AMPCOR204Follow safe work policies and procedures
AMPCOR205Communicate in the workplace
AMPCOR206Overview the meat industry
AMPX209Sharpen Knives
Elective Units (Select a minimum of 5 or equal to 30 points from the below)
AMPA3000 (4 Points)Stun animal
AMPA3001* (4 Points)Stick and bleed animal
AMPA3003 (2 Points)Assess effective stunning and bleeding
AMPA3138 (2 Points)Identify secondary sexual characteristics – beef
AMPA3015 (2 Points)Perform animal slaughter in accordance with Halal certification requirements
AMPA3005 (2 Points)Rod weasand
AMPA3006* (1 Point)Seal weasand
AMPA3007* (4 Points)Ring bung
AMPA3008 (2 Points)Seal bung
AMPA3009 (4 Points)Split carcase
AMPA3010 (1 Point)Overview legging operation
AMPA3012 (4 Points)Make first leg opening cuts
AMPA3013 (3 Points)Make second leg opening cuts
AMPA3014 (4 Points)Perform Legging on Small stock
AMPA3023* (1 Point)Explain Opening cuts
AMPA3024* (6 Points)Perform Flanking cuts
AMPA3025* (4 Points)Perform Brisket cuts
AMPA3026* (4 Points)Perform Rumping cuts
AMPA3027* (4 Points)
Perform Rosette cuts
AMPA3028* (4 Points)Perform Midline cuts
AMPA3030* (4 Points)Operate Pelt Puller
AMPA3031* (6 Points)Operate Hide Puller
AMPA3032* (6 Points)Remove pelt manually
AMPA3033* (16 Points)Bed Dress Carcase
AMPA3034* (8 Points)Eviscerate animal carcase
AMPA3040 (4 Points)Operate Brisket cutter or saw
AMPA3044* (2 Points)Operate Air knife
AMPA3046* (2 Points)Undertake retain rail operations

Prerequisite requirements

Units listed in the Prerequisite requirement column that have their own prerequisite requirements are shown with an asterisk (*)

In this case:


  • AMPX209 - Sharpen Knives
  • AMPA3010 - Overview Legging Operations
  • AMPA3023 - Explain opening Cuts

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed via a variety of means including, practical demonstration of skills, knowledge assessment and your ability to apply skills in a real workplace environment.

Students undertaking this qualification need to be employed / working in a meat processing facility.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification and there also are no licensing, legislative or underpinning certification requirements applying to this qualification.

Assessment conditions

This qualification must be delivered and assessed in the context of Australian meat processing standards and regulations. Students undertaking this qualification need to be employed by a meat processing facility and have access to a registered operating meat processing plant.
All assessments must be demonstrated onsite at the normal rate of production.

What to expect

Students can expect to complete this qualification in under 12 months and on completion will have the fundamental skills of a meat processing worker. 
After completing the Certificate III, students should feel confident to progress their learning and be ready to undertake the Certificate IV in Meat Processing qualification.